Condor Projects


Alongside Fieldfisher eDisclosure lawyers, Condor's team of international and multi-lingual dedicated document reviewers have worked on multiple complex, large-scale matters, harnessing the use of technology and strategic end-to-end workflow to best suit client needs.

Our eDisclosure team delivers cost-effective and efficient disclosure, in line with best technical practice and Court Rules and requirements.

Condor’s electronic discovery service covers the full legal and digital span of disclosure, including information governance, preservation, collections, processing, document review, production, and presentation.  Fieldfisher is software agnostic—we use the most suitable technology for client requirements.

Condor’s team includes e-discovery thought leaders, lawyers, and paralegals who possess a wealth of e-discovery experience and expertise and have e-discovery accreditations on several platforms. Our team prides itself on the fact that it can advise on both law and technology simultaneously, making the process transparent, streamlined, and reducing the number of individuals required to work on each matter.

Our Experience

Legal Proceedings

  • Early Case Assessment (ECA)
  • Litigation & Disputes
  • Arbitration
  • Insolvency
  • Fraud & Financial Crime Investigations
  • Class Actions
  • Regulatory Investigations
  • Dawn Raids
  • Multi-party matter hosting

Risk Management / Compliance

  • Data Subject Access Requests
  • Data Breach Reviews
  • Contract repapering / updating
  • Information Governance
  • Corporate Governance
  • M&A Due Diligence
  • Risk Advisory

How We Can Help

Condor is an alternative legal solutions business helping customers of all sizes achieve more at a lower pricing point than a traditional law firm. By combining cutting-edge technology, skilled resources and innovative practices. Condor is able to deliver efficient and cost-effective solutions, whilst benefiting from the knowledge and quality assurance of a leading law firm practice.

With an appreciation that no two businesses are exactly alike, and a collaborative approach, we tailor-make solutions specific to your needs, delivering meaningful and practical value to your business. Our technology solutions have been designed together with Fieldfisher partner’s expertise to ensure they deliver what is needed.

Our data extraction and clause management solution uses cutting edge technology to digitise contracts, identify key clauses and risks, and produce meaningful and insightful reports. Following an initial workshop where we agree the population of contracts, design the data model and define the reporting.

Condor will:

  • Customise the platform and gather all required contracts.
  • Digitise contracts, extract data and produce all reporting.
  • Set up any alerts, triggers or reminders for the client.
  • Provide comprehensive training sessions on database maintenance and incorporating amendments so that the database remains current and relevant; or provide a managed service to do so.

Our Technology

Condor’s bespoke technology has an intuitive graphical user interface, which sits on top of a powerful digitisation and data extraction engine. The platform is accessed via a web­browser and can be hosted securely in the cloud or on client premises.

Once the data has been digitised and extracted, it is easily accessible through the platform via customised reporting (graphical, comparisons, tabular) or exported downstream in xml, csv or xls format.

Alerts, flags and reminders can be set on each contract to ensure that renewals or terminations are never missed.

The Value We Add

Condor’s scalable, flexible and cost-effective model enables us to deliver an efficient and cost effective outcome for our clients whenever they need it. We can scale up to meet larger requests so a client can deal with potentially disruptive requests without having to constantly redirect already scarce internal legal resources.

We provide a customised service through the most relevant combination of resources to get the solution you need.

DSAR Support Service

A data subject access request, or ‘DSAR’, is a request made by an individual to an organisation for access to the personal data that the organisation holds on that individual.

The General Data Protection Regulation requires organisations that hold personal data on individuals to provide them with a copy of that personal data, in most cases without charge and, typically, within one month of receipt of a request.

Organisations can be on the receiving end of DSARs from clients, customers and employees. They are, perhaps, need to be applied to the review of each collected to determine whether the Item should be produced to the Individual, withheld or redacted; and, the need to balance those rules against the Individual’s own legal rights. most common in the context of a dispute and are often used to gather evidence for a claim or to apply pressure on an organisation as part of exit negotiations.

There Is no prescribed format for making a DSAR – requests may be made verbally or In writing – and organisations have very limited grounds to reject a DSAR. Where organisations elect to reject a DSAR, they are still required to explain to the Individual what Is wrong with the request and Inform the Individual of their right to appeal the decision to the relevant supervisory authority.

DSARs can present organisations with capacity and capability challenges.

This Is due to several factors, Including: the number of DSARs that organisations are now receiving; the number of electronic and hardcopy Items that are being returned for review; the complex legal rules that need to be applied to the review of each collected to determine whether the Item should be produced to the Individual, withheld or redacted; and, the need to balance those rules against the Individual’s own legal rights.

We can assist you manage the DSARs from start to finish.

Process Data

Condor is a division of Fieldfisher, a European law firm with a market leading data protection practice. Condor uses e-discovery tools to more efficiently and effectively process, analyse, review and predictively code your collected data. Once your team has identified and collected data from relevant data sources (e.g. local hard drive, network drive, SaaS applications, mobile devices and archives), we will provide you with credentials to securely upload the data to our e-discovery platform. We will then index and process the data, culling documents by applying filters, de-duplication and date ranges. to be done by a Fieldfisher data protection lawyer.

Production Condor will provide you with an electronic copy of the responsive documents that are not otherwise exempt from production to the individual. Typically, we produce documents in a PDF format (with the redactions ‘burned’ into the image to prevent the redactions from being removed) but we can provide the responsive documents in other formats . We then use advanced analytics tools and keyword searches created in consultation with your team to further reduce the number of documents and, potentially, to produce a review set which is more responsive to the subject access request.


Condor uses paralegals, trained by Fieldfisher’s data protection lawyers and managed by Condor’s project management function, to undertake the document review. The paralegals assess whether the documents are within the scope of the request, whether the documents are exempt from production and apply redactions (where appropriate) to those documents that are responsive and not otherwise exempt from production to the individual. We give you the option of undertaking a second-level QC review or can arrange for a second-level QC review to be done by a Fieldfisher data protection lawyer.


Condor will provide you with an electronic copy of the responsive documents that are not otherwise exempt from production to the individual. Typically, we produce documents in a PDF format (with the redactions ‘burned’ into the image to prevent the redactions from being removed) but we can provide the responsive documents in other formats.

DSAR Support packages

Each of our DSAR support Packages includes:

  • Secure Data Transfer
  • Data Processing
  • Data Hosting (3 months)
  • Project Management
  • Analytics Support (5 hours)
  • User Access (3 Users for 3 months)

For every organisation, commercial success is fundamentally based on a complex web of legal contracts. Engagement with employees, leases for premises, arrangements with suppliers, technology licenses, the sale of goods or services; every step is underpinned by a codified legal contract.

For successful organisations, this library of contracts continues to grow in both number and complexity. Eventually, either driven by internal or external factors, each firm needs to know what exactly is contained within their web of legal contracts, and whether they are exposed to any risks, gaps or inconsistencies. More positively, could there be a wealth of opportunity that exists, but which is not being exploited?

…commercial success is based on a complex web of legal contracts.

Using bespoke technology, Condor has developed a suite of solutions to assist organisations in getting on top of these challenges.

Covering a wide array of industry and contract types, our service offers:

  • Contract digitisation of paper contracts, .pdf or Word contracts or even image files
  • Quality assured data extraction service using customised data models
  • Ongoing management of contract amendments, renewals or terminations
  • Analytical reporting across all contracts

Condor Services
